Singing in an atelier, together with choirs from all over Europe, that's what Europa Cantat Junior is all about. Making new friends through singing. Each atelier leader has prepared a program for the festival – programs vary in difficulty, genres, and intended age groups. They will work on that program with the singers and will present it in concert on the last day.
Tracy Wong (CA/MY)
Beyond Borders
Merging voice and movement
2-part treble, 8-12y, level A
Kadri Hunt (EE)
THE Power of Song and Dance
Music from the Baltic Countries
SSA, 10-14y, level A
Paul Smith (UK)
The VOCES8 Method
Renaissance, folk, pop and jazz a capella!
SA(T)B/SA, 14-20y, level A
Michael Barrett (ZA)
Sing and dance the South African way
SS/SSA/SAB, 10-20y, level B
In which atelier will my choir sing?
When you register, you choose three ateliers (first, second and third choice) that fit the age range, level, voicing and interest of your group. Mixed voice youth choirs have two atelier options. We will allocate all choirs to a specific atelier and try to give every choir one of their ateliers of choice. Other factors are balance of voices, age profile, mix of nationalities,... For more info, read our FAQ.
Consider dividing your group
If your choir does not exactly fit one atelier, consider dividing it over two ateliers. For example, the oldest singers can follow an atelier more suited for their age. You will take home double the new repertoire and meet double new friends. Most atelier rehearsal rooms are in the same building or close-by. You should, however, have at least one responsible adult with each subgroup all the time.
Keep in mind the difficulty
Level A is the easiest, any choir can join, level B is medium difficulty, for choirs that are used to singing 2 or 3-part songs, level C is for choirs who study the scores at home before coming to the festival.
What about the age?
Each atelier has an age range (age at the start of the festival) – the majority of your choir should fit it. One or two exceptions are possible, not more. Before 15th April you will send in your detailed participants list including dates of birth. If the detailed participation list gives another age profile than your registration, your atelier allocation might be reconsidered. Contact us if you have questions, or if you are not sure your choir fits a certain atelier.